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名前 既定のメッセージ文
api-help-param-templated-var (トーク) (翻訳) <var>{$1}</var> with values of <var>$2</var>
api-help-param-templated-var-first (トーク) (翻訳) <var>{$1}</var> in the parameter's name should be replaced with values of <var>$2</var>
api-help-param-token (トーク) (翻訳) [[Special:ApiHelp/query+tokens|action=query&meta=tokens]] から取得した「$1」トークン
api-help-param-token-webui (トーク) (翻訳) 互換性のために、ウェブUIで使用されるトークンも受理されます。
api-help-param-type-enum (トーク) (翻訳) {{PLURAL:$1|1=値 (次の値のいずれか1つ)|2=値 (<kbd>{{!}}</kbd>もしくは[[Special:ApiHelp/main#main/datatypes|別の文字列]]で区切る)}}: $2
api-help-param-type-expiry (トーク) (翻訳) Type: {{PLURAL:$1|1=expiry|2=list of expiries}} ([[Special:ApiHelp/main#main/datatype/expiry|details]])
api-help-param-type-limit (トーク) (翻訳) 型: 整数または <kbd>max</kbd>
api-help-param-type-presenceboolean (トーク) (翻訳) 型: 真偽値 ([[Special:ApiHelp/main#main/datatype/boolean|詳細]])
api-help-param-type-timestamp (トーク) (翻訳) Type: {{PLURAL:$1|1=timestamp|2=list of timestamps}} ([[Special:ApiHelp/main#main/datatype/timestamp|allowed formats]])
api-help-parameters (トーク) (翻訳) {{PLURAL:$1|パラメーター}}:
api-help-permissions (トーク) (翻訳) {{PLURAL:$1|権限}}:
api-help-permissions-granted-to (トーク) (翻訳) {{PLURAL:$1|権限を持つグループ}}: $2
api-help-right-apihighlimits (トーク) (翻訳) Use higher limits in API queries (slow queries: $1; fast queries: $2). The limits for slow queries also apply to multivalue parameters.
api-help-source (トーク) (翻訳) ソース: $1
api-help-source-unknown (トーク) (翻訳) Source: <span class="apihelp-unknown">unknown</span>
api-help-templatedparams (トーク) (翻訳) Templated parameters support cases where an API module needs a value for each value of some other parameter. For example, if there were an API module to request fruit, it might have a parameter <var>fruits</var> to specify which fruits are being requested and a templated parameter <var>{fruit}-quantity</var> to specify how many of each fruit to request. An API client that wants 1 apple, 5 bananas, and 20 strawberries could then make a request like <kbd>fruits=apples|bananas|strawberries&apples-quantity=1&bananas-quantity=5&strawberries-quantity=20</kbd>.
api-help-templatedparams-header (トーク) (翻訳) Templated parameters
api-help-title (トーク) (翻訳) MediaWiki API ヘルプ
api-help-undocumented-module (トーク) (翻訳) No documentation for module $1.
api-login-fail-aborted (トーク) (翻訳) Authentication requires user interaction, which is not supported by <kbd>action=login</kbd>. To be able to login with <kbd>action=login</kbd>, see [[Special:BotPasswords]]. To continue using main-account login, see <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/clientlogin|action=clientlogin]]</kbd>.
api-login-fail-aborted-nobotpw (トーク) (翻訳) Authentication requires user interaction, which is not supported by <kbd>action=login</kbd>. To log in, see <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/clientlogin|action=clientlogin]]</kbd>.
api-login-fail-badsessionprovider (トーク) (翻訳) Cannot log in when using $1.
api-login-fail-sameorigin (トーク) (翻訳) Cannot log in when the same-origin policy is not applied.
api-pageset-param-converttitles (トーク) (翻訳) Convert titles to other variants if necessary. Only works if the wiki's content language supports variant conversion. Languages that support variant conversion include $1.
api-pageset-param-generator (トーク) (翻訳) クエリモジュールを実行することにより対象のページの一覧を取得する。 <strong>注意</strong> Generator パラメーターの名前は "g" で始まります。例を参照してください。
api-pageset-param-pageids (トーク) (翻訳) 対象のページIDのリスト。
api-pageset-param-redirects-generator (トーク) (翻訳) <var>$1titles</var>, <var>$1pageids</var>, および <var>$1revids</var>, および <var>$1generator</var> によって返されたページの転送を自動的に解決する。
api-pageset-param-redirects-nogenerator (トーク) (翻訳) <var>$1titles</var>, <var>$1pageids</var>, および <var>$1revids</var> の転送を自動的に解決する。
api-pageset-param-revids (トーク) (翻訳) 対象の版IDのリスト。
api-pageset-param-titles (トーク) (翻訳) 対象のページ名のリスト。
api-usage-docref (トーク) (翻訳) APIの使用については$1を参照してください。
api-usage-mailinglist-ref (トーク) (翻訳) Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-api-announce> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes.
apierror-allimages-redirect (トーク) (翻訳) Use <kbd>gaifilterredir=nonredirects</kbd> instead of <var>redirects</var> when using <kbd>allimages</kbd> as a generator.
apierror-allpages-generator-redirects (トーク) (翻訳) Use <kbd>gapfilterredir=nonredirects</kbd> instead of <var>redirects</var> when using <kbd>allpages</kbd> as a generator.
apierror-appendnotsupported (トーク) (翻訳) Can't append to pages using content model $1.
apierror-articleexists (トーク) (翻訳) The article you tried to create has been created already.
apierror-assertanonfailed (トーク) (翻訳) You are no longer logged out, so the action could not be completed.
apierror-assertbotfailed (トーク) (翻訳) You do not have the <code>bot</code> right, so the action could not be completed.
apierror-assertnameduserfailed (トーク) (翻訳) You are no longer logged in as "$1", so the action could not be completed.
apierror-assertuserfailed (トーク) (翻訳) You are no longer logged in, so the action could not be completed.
apierror-autoblocked (トーク) (翻訳) Your IP address has been blocked automatically, because it was used by a blocked user.
apierror-bad-badfilecontexttitle (トーク) (翻訳) Invalid title in <var>$1badfilecontexttitle</var> parameter.
apierror-bad-watchlist-token (トーク) (翻訳) Incorrect watchlist token provided. Please set a correct token in [[Special:Preferences]].
apierror-badconfig-resulttoosmall (トーク) (翻訳) The value of <code>$wgAPIMaxResultSize</code> on this wiki is too small to hold basic result information.
apierror-badcontinue (トーク) (翻訳) Invalid continue param. You should pass the original value returned by the previous query.
apierror-baddiff (トーク) (翻訳) The diff cannot be retrieved. One or both revisions do not exist or you do not have permission to view them.
apierror-baddiffto (トーク) (翻訳) <var>$1diffto</var> must be set to a non-negative number, <kbd>prev</kbd>, <kbd>next</kbd> or <kbd>cur</kbd>.
apierror-badformat (トーク) (翻訳) The requested format $1 is not supported for content model $2 used by $3.
apierror-badformat-generic (トーク) (翻訳) The requested format $1 is not supported for content model $2.
apierror-badgenerator-notgenerator (トーク) (翻訳) Module <kbd>$1</kbd> cannot be used as a generator.
apierror-badgenerator-unknown (トーク) (翻訳) Unknown <kbd>generator=$1</kbd>.
apierror-badip (トーク) (翻訳) IP parameter is not valid.
apierror-badmd5 (トーク) (翻訳) The supplied MD5 hash was incorrect.
apierror-badmodule-badsubmodule (トーク) (翻訳) The module <kbd>$1</kbd> does not have a submodule "$2".
apierror-badmodule-nosubmodules (トーク) (翻訳) The module <kbd>$1</kbd> has no submodules.
apierror-badparameter (トーク) (翻訳) Invalid value for parameter <var>$1</var>.
apierror-badquery (トーク) (翻訳) Invalid query.
apierror-badtimestamp (トーク) (翻訳) Invalid value "$2" for timestamp parameter <var>$1</var>.
apierror-badtoken (トーク) (翻訳) Invalid CSRF token.
apierror-badupload (トーク) (翻訳) File upload parameter <var>$1</var> is not a file upload; be sure to use <code>multipart/form-data</code> for your POST and include a filename in the <code>Content-Disposition</code> header.
apierror-badurl (トーク) (翻訳) Invalid value "$2" for URL parameter <var>$1</var>.
apierror-baduser (トーク) (翻訳) Invalid value "$2" for user parameter <var>$1</var>.
apierror-badvalue-notmultivalue (トーク) (翻訳) U+001F multi-value separation may only be used for multi-valued parameters.
apierror-blocked (トーク) (翻訳) You have been blocked from editing.
apierror-blocked-partial (トーク) (翻訳) You have been blocked from editing this page.
apierror-blockedfrommail (トーク) (翻訳) You have been blocked from sending email.
apierror-botsnotsupported (トーク) (翻訳) この API インターフェースはボットをサポートしていません。
apierror-cannot-async-upload-file (トーク) (翻訳) The parameters <var>async</var> and <var>file</var> cannot be combined. If you want asynchronous processing of your uploaded file, first upload it to stash (using the <var>stash</var> parameter) and then publish the stashed file asynchronously (using <var>filekey</var> and <var>async</var>).
apierror-cannotreauthenticate (トーク) (翻訳) This action is not available as your identity cannot be verified.
apierror-cannotviewtitle (トーク) (翻訳) You are not allowed to view $1.
apierror-cantblock (トーク) (翻訳) あなたには利用者をブロックする権限がありません。
apierror-cantblock-email (トーク) (翻訳) You don't have permission to block users from sending email through the wiki.
apierror-cantchangecontentmodel (トーク) (翻訳) あなたにはページのコンテンツモデルを変更する権限がありません。
apierror-canthide (トーク) (翻訳) あなたにはブロック記録の利用者名を秘匿化する権限がありません。
apierror-cantimport (トーク) (翻訳) あなたにはページを取り込む権限がありません。
apierror-cantimport-upload (トーク) (翻訳) You don't have permission to import uploaded pages.
apierror-cantoverwrite-sharedfile (トーク) (翻訳) The target file exists on a shared repository and you do not have permission to override it.
apierror-cantsend (トーク) (翻訳) You are not logged in, you do not have a confirmed email address, or you are not allowed to send email to other users, so you cannot send email.
apierror-cantundelete (トーク) (翻訳) Couldn't undelete: the requested revisions may not exist, or may have been undeleted already.
apierror-cantview-deleted-comment (トーク) (翻訳) You don't have permission to view deleted comments.
apierror-cantview-deleted-description (トーク) (翻訳) You don't have permission to view descriptions of deleted files.
apierror-cantview-deleted-metadata (トーク) (翻訳) You don't have permission to view metadata of deleted files.
apierror-cantview-deleted-revision-content (トーク) (翻訳) You don't have permission to view content of deleted revisions.
apierror-categorytree-invalidjson (トーク) (翻訳) オプションは有効なJSONオブジェクトでなければなりません。
apierror-changeauth-norequest (トーク) (翻訳) Failed to create change request.
apierror-changecontentmodel-cannot-convert (トーク) (翻訳) Could not convert $1 to content model <code>$2</code>
apierror-changecontentmodel-cannotbeused (トーク) (翻訳) Content model <code>$1</code> cannot be used on $2
apierror-changecontentmodel-missingtitle (トーク) (翻訳) The page you specified doesn't exist. To create a new page with a custom content model, use the <kbd>action=edit</kbd> module.
apierror-changecontentmodel-nodirectediting (トーク) (翻訳) Content model <code>$1</code> does not support direct editing
apierror-chunk-too-small (トーク) (翻訳) Minimum chunk size is $1 {{PLURAL:$1|byte|bytes}} for non-final chunks.
apierror-cidrtoobroad (トーク) (翻訳) $1 CIDR ranges broader than /$2 are not accepted.
apierror-compare-maintextrequired (トーク) (翻訳) Parameter <var>$1text-main</var> is required when <var>$1slots</var> contains <kbd>main</kbd> (cannot delete the main slot).
apierror-compare-no-title (トーク) (翻訳) Cannot pre-save transform without a title. Try specifying <var>fromtitle</var> or <var>totitle</var>.
apierror-compare-nofromrevision (トーク) (翻訳) No 'from' revision. Specify <var>fromrev</var>, <var>fromtitle</var>, or <var>fromid</var>.
apierror-compare-nosuchfromsection (トーク) (翻訳) There is no section $1 in the 'from' content.
apierror-compare-nosuchtosection (トーク) (翻訳) There is no section $1 in the 'to' content.
apierror-compare-notext (トーク) (翻訳) Parameter <var>$1</var> cannot be used without <var>$2</var>.
apierror-compare-notorevision (トーク) (翻訳) No 'to' revision. Specify <var>torev</var>, <var>totitle</var>, or <var>toid</var>.
apierror-compare-relative-to-deleted (トーク) (翻訳) Cannot use <kbd>torelative=$1</kbd> relative to a deleted revision.
apierror-compare-relative-to-nothing (トーク) (翻訳) No 'from' revision for <var>torelative</var> to be relative to.